from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1DG0yer
Happy Birthday, Dude.
“I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news” - John Muir April 21, 1838
#muir #ironandair
Cutworm moth larvae. he refused to face the camera
Last time my generous neighbors Ken and Sally gave me a whole tree I forgot to take a picture of it before I started to split it. Ash.
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. ” George Orwell
He’s on his way to let Exxon off the hook for 3 cents on the dollar, then off to yell at a Sandy victim before the Cowboys game
Toro, Boston. Veal sweetbreads with smoked white Coco bean puree and preserved lemon plus some other awesome thing I can’t remember. The guy next to me was wearing a belt buckle he got at cowtown. Small world.
1970s ad (via Found in Mom’s Basement)
wtf …. Or maybe not…..
Please fire me. Few months ago my coworker tried to open a champagne bottle with a corkscrew because she didn’t know any other way to do it. She is now my manager.
The aftermath of the hot pot.. remind me not to Exhale on you
The hot pot itself sitting on an induction cooker extra spicy full of chiles scallion and a whole head of garlic easy.
Candidates for the hot pot lamb shoulder, inoki mushroom, noodles, meatballs, potato, tofu, crabstick, seaweed and oyster mushroom
To Mongolian hot pot sauces my waiter put together for me- on the left soy sauce chilies and scallions on the right chili oil tahini cilantro and scallion