Did I mention?........ KING O' THE WEB!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

1983 Japanese TV Show

SHINSHUN KAKUSHIGEI TAIKAI which, as far as I can tell is "Left Pig Team vs. Right Pig Team Talent Show" It probably has an elegant translation, but if you watch it you'll see what I mean: one act after another representing two teams. Ice xylophone players, kettle drum trios, square log rolling, E.T. mini-dramas, new wave magicians, and tons of commercials.

I had a friend who taught English as a Second Language and I asked him if he had any students who were Japanese and did they have any Japanese TV shows, because they were, like the U.S. on the NTSC color standard. He did, he asked and I was given this tape.

I didn't really edit it, so there's one or two glitches, and no beginning but it's like turning on the wayback machine and tuning in a 1983 Japanese TV to see what's on. Unadulterated. Wacky. Compelling.

It runs 1 hour and 47 minutes so if you pause for a while and let it load you can skip around. Conversely, if you watch it, you'll find it pretty mesmerizing at times.