Did I mention?........ KING O' THE WEB!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Yet More Cappy Dick - Less Deviltry, tho

(will this work in 2007?)
Moke Exact Reproductions Of Newspaper Pictures

Home-made transfer pictures are easy to make, and here is a simple process any boy or girl can follow. This is a project that is good for many afternoons and evenings of fun.
Obtain a candle. A fat, white one will serve best.,, Next, select out of the newspaper some picture that you would like to transfer to another sheet of smooth, white paper. It can be a figure out of a comic strip, out of an advertise ment, or it can be a reproduction of a photograph. The more recently the paper has been printed, the better your transfer picture will be.
The third step is to obtain a piece of smooth white paper. To prepare it, rub the candle over one entire side as shown in Figure 1.
Next, place the tallow side of the paper upon the picture you wish to transfer, as in Figure 2.
Hold an old spoon in your hand as in Figure 3 and vigorously rub the top side of the tallowed paper with the back of the spoon's bowl.
When you have done this and are sure the spoon has not missed any corners, carefully lift the paper up. You will find that the newspaper picture now appears on the tallowed surface of the second paper. The difference will be that the transfer picture (or reprint) will appear reversed, as in Figure 4. If lettering is in the picture, it also will be backward.
If you wish, you can transfer the reprint to still another piece of paper. This will cause the printing to run forward instead of backward. Simply lay the transfer picture on plain white paper and run the spoon over its hack. Lift the top paper and the second reprint will appear on the new sheet.

(..since I dig rock & don't dig golf - an alternative!)

Two Holes And Some Rocks Are The Equipment
Rock golf is a fine game for boys and girls to play and, because it is so easy to fix up the necessary equipment, it is an ideal spur-of-the-moment pastime.
All you need are two holes in the ground (or in the sand, if you play the game at a beach) and some rocks which are light enough for you to toss a distance of 20 feet.
Each player should have three rocks. These can be flat, round or any other shape that suits the player's fancy.
After the players have selected their rocks, each rock should be identified in some manner. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is for each player to scratch his initial on his rocks, using a nail, as shown in Figure 2.
Next, the two holes must be dug (Figure 1). These should be at least 20 feet apart and should be no less than 6 inches deep and not more than 10 inches in diameter. If they are any bigger in diameter it will be too easy to toss the rocks into them.
When the holes have been dug, you are ready to play the game. One player at a time stands beside one of the holes and, taking careful aim, tosses one of his rocks at the other hole (Figure 3), his object being to cause his rock to fall into the hole.
He throws all three of his rocks, one at a time, and then it is the next player's turn.
Each rock that lands in the hole gives its owner three points. Each rock that does not land in the hole penalizes him two points. The player who gets 25 points first is the winner.
When the players have thrown all their rocks at one hole, they go to that hole, remove the rocks and then toss them back at the other hole, continuing in this manner until someone has won the-game.

Whines When You Whirl It Around Your Head

A piece of cardboard about, six inches long and four inches wide (Figure 1) and four rubber bands are required to make a rubber-band moaner.

With scissors or a sharp knife, cut the center out of the cardboard as shown in Figure 2, leaving a frame about one inch wide at the top and bottom and three-fourths of an inch wide at each side.

Punch a small hole in one end of this frame and tie a long string to it.

Over the frame stretch the four rubber bands as shown in Figure 3. The moaner is now ready for use.

Take hold of the free end of the long string and begin to swing the moaner around and around, going faster and faster. Soon you will begin to understand how this toy got its name, for the rubber bands will begin to moan as the air swiftly passes through them. The faster you swing the moaner, the higher the pitch of its sound.

The results can be improved, if you wish, by slipping a small piece of wood beneath the rubber bands at each end of the cardboard frame, thus moving them away from the frame and placing them more in the current of air as the moaner is whirled.