Did I mention?........ KING O' THE WEB!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sequitur: a Flash Comic + Weirdness

I'm working on a concept piece using "Three Quarter Covers" comics (comics remaindered but given credit for by returning the title area or the top quarter of the cover to the distributor) called Sequitur, using largely non-verbal panels to form a concept stream.

Don't yew judge me! Don't judge me!

The picture immediately below is a link to SEQUITUR

BUT That's not all!!!

I found a couple of other oddities while collecting the images for Sequitur:

First, this pre-Bruno Magli OJ Simpson ad for Dingo boots!

(Link to bigger on click)

Next, this LOLmeme panel from 77 Sunset Strip Comics

Lastly, Barney Bear trying to get his chickens to explore alternative lifestyles....

Link to bigger above^^

The chickens looked shocked, I must admit.