He made these recordings with a pal around 1947.
Seven years later and maybe fun was rapidly diminishing...
They've been banged around quite a bit, and the sound is atrocious, but listenable in an Edison wax cylinder kind of way.
I had them in a film can backfrom my college days- the school was so unsure about teaching film that we'd get castoff bargain basement stock.
I cleaned it them up real well, and here's the type of disc- Metal center, acetate(?) skin.
Here's the audio:
The first one "Recitations" is basically a string of misogynistic, race-based, if not actually racist, jokes. Being a son of an Eastern Eupropean coal miner made good as a shoe repairman, anybody was fair game, I guess. Either way it's gourmet old-timey filth.
The next one, "Piano Solo" is him pretending to play (he didn't) while saying things over the music.
The final two are ribald songs with live guitar.
First one
Second one
While going through these 78's I found a signed copy of Malaguena b/w Harmonica
Boogie by the Harmonicats
Here's "Harmonica Boogie", because Malaguena had a pretty good ding & I might want to use my phonograph again sometime.