Ali Baba or the 40 Thieves
Inside front cover: protagonist + distinguished/venerated hooch.
A brave tailor named Ali Baba lived another time in a small town in Persia........
Note the parsing of syllables for young readers.
Translation of caption: "After entering the cave he found a collection of elegant bottles..."
The treasure he found was the fascinatingly historied Benedictine
Caption translated" "He was surprised by the thieves and massacred (accosted?) by them."
Some mauvais-âne lookin' thieves alrighty...
Foul play against the foul
Trans: "He found the carefully hidden secret of Benedictine."
Only 3 people at any time are allowed to know its secret recipe..hence the smug look.
Inside back cover - view of the distillery. The big one is very nice..
Ali Baba finally gets to chill with his cache of Benedictine & Persian pals.