The Riches was canceled. Writer-struck timing issues supposedly.
The G.S.R for hating cable is not because I dug this show, but because unlike antenna TV which is funded by advertising and has the right to pull the plug on a show, because they are obligated to be able to afford production, FX, a cable TV channel, gets
paid either way for each and every cable subscriber PLUS they get paid by advertisers. While FX has
Always Sunny, they are not exonerated. They could have possibly said, "screw it, there may in fact be engaged viewers who are looking to tie up loose ends, but really fuck 'em- who give a shit about our viewers? We won't even consider a 4 episode season for those jerks who pay a cable bill
and watch commercials on FX !! They don't deserve the courtesy of even a
one episode tie-up! Seriously, our
viewers? They like
animals!" Then agaion it might not have gone that way, but imagine - it's more fun that way.
So my questions to the "Producer" whose real title should be "skinflint accountant" who pulled the plug would be:
What happens with that badass Irish guy?
Does Cael get beat/killed/something?
What about Dahlia making out with her parole officer?
Does DeeDee escape to college?
Does Nynah get a new bong?
Will Dale be made into a sniveling bitchboy?
The detective looking for Arye Gross? What happens there?
The show, hopefully surmisable from the questions, was in full bore shit going on mode, not slogging along in "we wrote ourselves into a corner" mode....
One can only pray, Senor Jerkface plug puller, that you will see not dime one from
Eddie Izzard's Obama-style-funded indie Riches Movie hey, just like wathcing FX, I'll be happy to pay twice - once to produce & once to watch -
without commercials......