Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
10 points for correctly identifying this address' real name.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Images From 1001 Christmas Facts and Fancies - 1938
Woodcuttish and Linoleum-Blocky illustrations by Lindsay Lockerby Field
Link at image below:
Sort of a compendium of legend and how-to (see last year's how to fold a five pointed star)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I Apologize to Tom and Dave.....
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
New EATMOR Error
Secondly, not as good as "Ham Skanks" but as Neil Young said:
Coutnry girl I think you're pretty,
Got to make you understand,
Got no lover in the city,
Let me be your coutnry man.
Got to make you understand.
I could let this go if it wasn't the name of a SALE ITEM in GIANT FACE TYPE
As my son, whose birthday was yesterday, said, "We ARE DEVO!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Raging now: How the HECK Do I like My Eggs !?!?!?!??!?!
Poor Stupid Dog
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
3 Exquisite full-page ads from Two Fisted Tales
Embiggen via click
Go Sean Penn, Go Sean Penn, Go Sean Penn-nn Goooo! (Sung to the end of "Speed Racer")
By Sean Penn
It's been an odd week. For me, a particularly odd week. But that's another story. So, wait a minute. Iran DOESN'T have nuclear weapon capability??? So, who are we gonna bomb? I want to bomb somebody! Didn't Senator Clinton just vote in essence to give President Bush the power to bomb Iran? If he had done it last week, would that have made her right? I mean, if she knew then what she knows now? Or am I getting that backward? Golly, I'm confused. And what about President Bush? This week, Vladimir Putin, the man Mr. Bush said he "Looked into the eyes of and found to be very straightforward and trustworthy." So much so, he was "able to get a sense of his soul." Well that soulful fella has just successfully coalesced the most dangerous power base in Russia since the Cold War amid rumors that include allegations he ordered the assassinations of journalists and imprisonment of noted proponents of freedom (Oops).
Meanwhile, our President's great enemy in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, that "totalitarian," "authoritarian," "dictator," that "mad man run amok," somehow was unsuccessful in his bid for the constitutional reforms that would have allowed him to be repeatedly re-elected for life...Hmmm? Odd week, you know? Really. What happened to Chavez's "strong-arming?" His "electoral corruption?" His alleged "gagging of the press?" How in the hell could he have lost? I'm sorry, did I miss something? How is it that this "Commie bastard" with 80% of his citizens having elected him in the first place was unable to prevail? Could it be that we've been lied to about him? I mean, Pat Robertson's not a liar, is he? His god wouldn't let that happen, would he? And god-forbid, our god would let the right-wing pundits, left-wing corporates, or our own administration send us a bill of goods!? Is it possible, I mean I know it's silly, but is it just a little bit possible that President Chavez is in fact a defender of his people's Constitution? That, that's how his referendum could fail? And that that's why he accepted it with such grace? A constitution which I have read several times. Quite a beautiful document, not dissimilar to our own. You might give it a read. Oh, I forgot -- he's a "drug runner."
Let me share something with you. Late one night in Caracas, I met with a couple of fellas, mercenaries I think you call them. Goddamit, I keep doing that. I mean "contractors." They were Brits, their specialty: drug interdiction. These two were no great fans of Chavez. They called him "radical" and expected him to fall to an assassin's bullet within the year. Like him or not, he had the cash to win their acceptance of his employ. And working alongside the Venezuelan military, these two, based in Caracas, had played the mountainous and jungled border between Columbia and Venezuela. A zone rife with paramilitaries, FARC guerillas, and mer...scratch that, contractors. What I was told that evening in Caracas by these piano wire puppeteers was that they had never worked for a government whose investment in drug interdiction was so genuine. "Yeah," said one of the Brits, "I gotta give the bastard Chavez that."
But I was talking about the Constitution. Most importantly, our own. And what an odd week it has been. Our culture is engrained with a tradition that blurs the line between what is right, what is just and what is constitutional, with what is a scam. That tradition is the cult of personality. What can TV sell, what kind of crap will we buy. And at what point are we buying and selling our rights, our pride, our flag, our children, and succumbing to meaningless slogans that are ultimately pure titles for un-Americanism. How do we know what's American and what is not? Because John Wayne tells us so? Because Sean Penn tells us so? Susan Sarandon? Bill O'Reilly? Michael Moore? Senator Bull? Or Senator Shit? Ann "my bowel expenditure" Coulter? No. It's our Constitution. We don't use it just to win. We depend on it because it's the only "us" worth being. And because it's our children's inheritance from our shared forefathers and the traditions that really do speak best of our country.
So, here's the question. We got Iowa coming up, we got New Hampshire right on its ass. Do we sell it for electability? If Hitler were the only candidate, would voting for him be most American? Jump on a plane with me. Okay, we're over the Middle East now...Let's land. Take a deep breath.
Imagine the bodies, burned and mutilated, the concussive sounds of gunfire and explosives defining the last horrifying moments of the dying and the dead. Imagine the millions of refugees fleeing through the deserts of Iraq, the babies crying, and the stench of death in the air. Yuck. Let's get back on the plane and head home.
Now, imagine American servicemen dead or broken, returning from a broken military to a silent casket or a broken veteran's administration, to broken lives and broken businesses, broken wives, unspoken husbands, and devastated children. And what for? What have we gained? Al-Qaida recruitment is up. Terrorism is up. Quality of life is down in our country and around the world. While the rich continue to get richer and the poor, poorer and more numerous. And on the verge of recession, we are witnessing the dramatic disassembling of the middle class amidst a flood of foreclosures and unpayable debts. To Osama Bin Laden's infinite delight, we have become a country of principle breakers rather than principle bearers. We are torturers and we too often, imprison only the weak. When our own administration chooses its bewilderingly un-American agenda (For the entitled people? By the entitled people?) over the Constitution in defining American values, principles, and law, Bin Laden laughs at the weakened sheep that we and our representatives have become. High crimes and misdemeanors? How about full-blown treason for the outing our own CIA operatives? How about full-blown treason for those who support this administration through media propaganda?
While I'm not a proponent of the Death Penalty, existing law provides that the likes of Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and Rice, if found guilty, could have hoods thrown over their heads, their hands bound, facing a 12-man rifle corps executing death by firing squad. And our cowardly democratically dominated House and Senate can barely find one voice willing to propose so much as an impeachment. That one voice of a true American. That one voice of Congressman Dennis Kucinich. This is not going to be a sound bite. Not if I can help it. I'm torn. I'm torn between the conventional wisdom of what we all keep being told is electibility and the idealism that perhaps alone can live up to the challenges of our generation. Of the democrats running for President, only Congressman Dennis Kucinich's candidacy is backed by a voting record of moral courage and a history of service to our country that has fully earned our support and our gratitude. And when I say support, I am not speaking to democrats alone, but rather to every American who would take the time on behalf of their children, our planet, and our soldiers to educate themselves on the Kucinich platform.
In the recent debate among Democrats in Las Vegas, the candidates, one after the other, placed security ahead of human rights. Benjamin Franklin once said "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Then, there was good ole Patrick Henry. Remember him? "Give me liberty, or give me death." These were the real tough bastards. The real John Wayne's. These are the traditions we should be serving. I found the debate infuriating, nearly an argument for fascism with few exceptions, key among them Dennis Kucinich. Of course as a strategic politician, Mrs. Clinton pulled out her set of Ginzu knives and dominated once again on "centrist" political strategy. In fending off attacks upon she, the front runner, she reminded the audience and her fellow candidates, "We are all Democrats." Wolf Blitzer asked each candidate if they would support the other should they themselves not be the nominee. One after another, the answer, yes. One exception: Dennis Kucinich, who with the minimal time allotted him, once again rose up beyond the sound bite and put principal ahead of party; argued policy rather than politeness. He has been the dominant voice of integrity on issues of trade, labor, education, environment, health, civil liberties, and the one endlessly determined voice of peace. But is he too short? Does his haircut not appeal? Is he not loyal enough to a cowardly democratic platform? Does he not appeal to the cult of personality? And what if the answer is yes?
What if Dennis Kucinich, the most deserving and noble of candidates, the most experienced in issues of policy and the least willing to play into the politics of personal power? What if we can't elect a man simply on the basis of the best ideas, the most courage, and the most selfless service? What does it say about our country when we can't rally the voices of the common good to support a man, like our troops, who would die for us, who would die for our constitution? Who, as mayor of Cleveland at the age of 31 stood up against contracts on his life. Three separate assassins whose intent was to kill him as he stood up for his constituency there. Nonetheless, he carries on. He continues to serve. I've been a supporter of Dennis Kucinich for several years. And I've been torn lately. I've been torn by the allure of "electability." I began to invest some support in a very good man (one among Dennis's opponents) who seems to be finding himself as a constitutional defender, but he's not one yet. He is however, among those that we allow the media to distinguish as electable. But we're talking about the Constitution here. We're talking about our country. I have decided not to participate in proactive support on the basis of media distinctions. I have chosen to pledge my support to the singular, strongest and most proven representative of our constitutional mandate. Dennis Kucinich offers us a very singular opportunity as we share this minute of time on earth. We, the people. It is for us to determine what is electable. And here's how simple it is: If we, those of us who truly believe in the Constitution of the United States of America, all of us, vote for Dennis Kucinich, he will be elected. Could we call him electable then? If so, America will stand taller than ever.
Let's remind our friends in the social circles of New York and the highbrow winner-friendly and monied major cities that support Mrs. Clinton, that this is not Bill Clinton. For all the misgivings I have about our former President, he raised up friends and opposition alike, his great gift as a motivator of interest and activism, of self-education and participation was, on its own merits, a unique gift. But don't underestimate personal agendas, those that initiated NAFTA, betrayed Haitian refugees and gay rights in the military within a minute of his own election. Don't underestimate that part of him when he gives his wife the face of his talent. Don't underestimate the damage her poisonous ambition can do to this country. We can't wait for the benefit of hindsight to service the benefit of Mrs. Clinton's career. Let's raise up men and women of vision, of integrity, of belief in our principles. How exciting would that be to do? How good would that be for television? What if we turned this game around? Imagine watching on television, our country raising up a leader because he represents our Constitution. Yes, good things can be good TV. So, let's give the Constitution another read, shall we? And then decide who its greatest defender would be. I suggest that Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike will find that they know what's really right in their hearts and minds.
Now I'm All Creeped Out
Then I read this:
Then I watched this:
Then I was all creeped out.....
Here, now watch this:
Friday, December 07, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Baby's 1st Concert
There's a post about Spade Cooley stomping his wife to death, one about Jim Carroll & those who worship and/or study his Basketball Diaries, one about singer Billie Davis, with a broken jaw, pulling Jet Harris from the Shadows out of a wrecked limo and lastly I'll mention the one that led to this post; the one about Dino Valente
Quicksilver Messenger Service was my first concert. It was right after their second album featuring Dino, and it was all we were listening to at the time. Eric Burdon and War opened and my eyeballs almost fell outta my head when I realized that the Boss of the Animals was up there singing "Spill the Wine" It was cooler than anything, and why in hell did my parents let me go?!?!?! But yay!
But Dino - kind of an interesting guy as explained in this exact transcription from my 1st edition of Lillian Roxon's Rock Encyclopedia (1969)
DINO VALENTI (Chester Powers)/Dino Valenti is one of those living legends. He worked in a carnival for seventeen years, was a trapeze artist for three of them, sang around the clubs of Los Angeles for years, but never made a record because he wanted it to be perfect when he did. (The story was that he kept making them, refusing to have them released, dropping them and making more.) He spent nearly a year in jail for possession of amphetamine and sold his rights to his most successful song, Let's Get Together, to get money to get out of jail. It's one of the most recorded songs ever (the song's composer is listed as Chester Powers)—the Youngbloods, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service have all done it. He also co-wrote Hey Joe. But his album, finally out in 1968, has none of this—just strange, mysterious, intimate songs that sneak up behind you. "An underground Bob Dylan," said critic Ralph Gleason. Well, he has that curly Dylan look anyway. "A five-year-dead Orphan Annie," said Emmet Lake of the East Village Other. Yes, he's a songwriting legend, and a one-year-in-gaol-for-amphetamine legend, and a macrobiotics-solar-energy legend, but mainly he's a ladies' man legend. It was San Francisco radio personality Tom Donahue who said simply: "If every chick Dino's ever known buys the record, it will be number one."
Album/DINO (October 1968): Time; Something New; My Friend; Listen To Me; Me And My Uncle; Tomorrow; Children Of The Sun; New Wind; Everything Is Gonna Be OK; Test.
Now lissen:
And here's the original program from the show- click to embiggen SOME ARE EVEN GIANTER FOR VIEWING EASE
Bewitched Boners Blackout
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tish- You Spoke French!
They all look so
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Archie Zeitgeist, Because I Have Learned to Share
One final note, and I'll keep it short because too many words turn things off, is that mine were given to me free, by Bill of Frankenstein Comics. Frankenstein Comics is the best comic store in the world. While it caters expertly to jagovs who have to have the new X-Men, it also has piles and piles of crap comics that contain long lost advertising, themes that reflect forgotten morality, odd publishers long out of business, and more. Bill knows that this is my sole interest, and handed me a box saying, "Here, these are for you, they are missing covers, have pages torn out, are falling apart, and have been cut up, so don't complain, but they are my gift to you." That's where the covers come from. The last thing I'll say about Bill is he knows the history of comics, and not your garden variety Siegel and Shuster, Stan Lee, Bob Kane BS, but how one publisher started from a prison cell, artists who drank themselves to death, who is still drawing at 114 years old, why Gold Key had no ads, and every 1/4 cover seller's location on the Eastern Seaboard since 1967. Therefore, I could never give a dollar to a Member's Only jacketed douche with a copy of Previews in his face - only Bill.
All pics link to embiggened versions.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Only Polish Endorsed by the VELVET UNDERGROUND
Nuthin' like tocopherols (see large image by clicking on pic above) for a healthy leather nurse!
But...I Like Being Middle Class!
Sickening imagery - beware faint hearted ones...
What the hell, here's the Skyhooks vid too....
Let's close off with one more bummer:
Like I said earlier, La plus ca change....
Sunday, November 18, 2007
New Hat !!
My favorite part is the new design for recycling they came up with. Delightfully meaningless.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I also gave them over to statutes that were not good and laws they could not live by; I let them become defiled through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the LORD.Ezekiel 20:25-26
God did tempt Abraham, ... And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest ... and offer him there for a burnt offering...
Genesis 22:1-2
Some small boys came out of the city and jeered at [the prophet Elisha], saying, "Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!" And ... he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys.
II Kings 2:23-24 the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. Deuteronomy 20:10-17
If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.Leviticus 20:9